Witch Garden Books
Helloooo out there! This post is about Witch Garden Books! Tis the season! Not a big reader? Perfect! We're starting with a coloring book. Enchanted Garden Witch Coloring...
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Skip to contentEarth to Daisy is a resource and a community for modern plant moms. The News blog is a secondary space.
Most of our Plant Mom content lives over on our Earthly Things Blog, but you can find a few (is it earthy or earthly?) goodies here, too. We have a good amount of plants. Other people have more. Most people have less. We're here for the social aspects of the house plant community.
Does that mean gardeners? Yes. Does that mean Plantdemic survivors? Yes. Does that mean Flower Farmers? Yup. Homesteaders? Duck, yeah.
Our vibes are nurturing and natural with a plant aesthetic. We are writers at heart and shop owners day to day. Our story is deep, just like yours. Thanks for being. Hope we get a change to interact.
We remind you to go outside, to try new things, to get dirty. To buy new plants and we inspire you to bring the outside in and trade plants with new friends.