Veg Broth Recipe

Veg Broth Recipe

You bought a bunch of houseplants during the Plantdemic, and now you're looking towards homesteading as the answer.

We get it. Houseplants are cool, but a girl's gotta eat.   


—>> Check this out! ... vvvvvvvv

Plant Mom's Guide to Veg Broth Recipe

You're faced with a few choices for your food scraps.  

You can put the veggie scraps in the trash, but that's contributing pretty well towards the whole global warming // financial turbulence we all feel as 2023-ers.

You can put them in a super fancy compost machine that sits on the counter in your super fancy house.


Orrrr you can put them in the compost —>>  RESPECTABLE!

Better yet?  Save your veggie scraps in the freezer to make broth with later.

Save them?  My Veggie scraps?


Make our vegetable broth recipe from scraps this season!


What kitchen scraps are good to save for a Veg Broth Recipe?

Let's start with the basic 4!


Always Save These 4 Vegetable Scraps in your freezer for Veggie Broth:

  1. Onion
  2. Carrot
  3. Garlic
  4. Celery


How to Save Veggie Scraps for Vegetable Broth:

Put the ends you cut off of your veggies at dinner into a 1gal zipped bag in the freezer.  Or an old bread bag.  Or a fancy Stasher bag. Or a tupperware.  Or Rubbermade.  Whatever. veggie-broth-scraps

It may take a month or so.  Start saving your vegetable scraps from dinner in the freezer.

What if I'm making tons of soup and I need more than scraps?

Just go buy the veggies you want.  You can definitely make a whole-vegetable veg broth recipe.  A vegetable stock recipe is easy.   Use whole veggies in the winter for a veg soup recipe for cold or just save your odds and ends and follow our vegetable broth recipe with scraps.


Don't have any room in your freezer for odds & ends?  NO PROBLEM.  Read my blog —>> Should I start a composting? instead.  Go on now, git.


Avoid These Vegetables that make Your Delicious Broth Icky & Bitter

  • powdered herbs.  Don't Do it!  That's not why we're here!
  • brassicas - try to avoid these
    • Broccoli
    • cauliflower
    • bok choy
    • kale
    • mustard greens
    • brussels
    • cabbage
  • lots of onion ends & skins
  • zuchinni
  • green beens


A few other things to avoid:

Cooking for too long, too many seeds, and weird outer leaves of the celery.

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Veggie Broth Differentiators

  • tomato for tang
  • mushrooms for a stronger flavor
  • apple for a teensy bit of sweet (pear, also)

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Other Ingredients For Veg Broth Recipe:

  • Herbs
  • Peppercorns
  • Sea Salt


Veg Broth Recipe for Plant Moms:

1. Gather your veggies — scraps or whole!

2. Optional —>> Sauté onions, mushrooms & celery in olive oil for 15 minutes to caramelization starts to come through to add extra flavor.  Skip this if you're in a big fat hurry.

3. Add veggies and cover with cold water.

4. Low simmer for an hour.

—>> Add in:

    • Herbs
    • Peppercorns
    • Sea Salt

5. Let cool and strain.

6. Store in fridge for 5 days or freeze.


How to Freeze Home Made Veg Broth Recipe:

Leave space in the container, whether it's a ball jar or a plastic, or s stasher bag.  This Veg Broth recipe will expand in size at it freezes.  Make sure to use containers portioned as you'll want to use it.  You can't unfreeze half a container.




Enhance Your Vegetable Broth:

Here are a few ways to increase the flavor for your veg broth recipe:

  • Start cold. —>> Let all the veggies heat up from freezing or room temperature together.  This will allow the chemistry to do it's tasty magic.
  • Don't Stir! —>> Let the simmering naturally agitate for the best flavor.
  • Chop your Veggies —>> The more surface area exposed to the water, the more nutrients seep in, and the better the taste of the veggie broth.

earth to daisy squiggle blog breakerHow to Add Magic From the Medicine Garden:

Are you growing a medicine garden?  This could be a perfect place to put some of that foraging // intentional medicine growing energy to use.  Add in some reishi or lion's mane mushrooms or heck!  Just throw in some (cleaned and rinsed a bunch of times) dandelion root! 

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Save These Kitchen Scraps for Your Veg Broth Recipe:

  • herb stems
    • rosemary
    • thyme
    • dill
    • parsley
    • cilantro
    • fennel
  • romaine stems
  • lettuce stems
  • leek tops
  • tomato ends
  • beet greens & tops
  • peas
  • parsnips
  • carrot ends
  • onion outer peels
  • mushroom stems
  • scallions


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When you have a gallon size bag or two of veggie scraps in your freezer, it's time to follow the veg broth recipe above!

earth to daisy squiggle blog breaker —>> Homesteading? Grow Your Carrots from Seeds! 


Tendersweet Carrot Seeds

from: Botanical Interests

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