Wondering How to Prune Tomatoes Plant?
You made it to the right spot. Welcome to our garden. Let's talk about pruning tomatoes plant.
Your answer to How to Prune tomatoes plant in 3 Quick Qs —>>
There are 3 questions to ask yourself when standing in front of your first tomato plant in order to prune it for the summer season. They are all close-ended questions with a definite answer. Yay!
Are the tomatoes a determinate /or/ indeterminate plant?
Bushy tomato plants have a top flower. Vining tomato plants do not. Can you see a flower at "the end"? These are determinate and they tend to ripen together.
If your plant feels like it's gonna keep going and going, that's a vining, or indeterminate tomato. When will it stop?!
Endless (tomato) summer. —>> Count us in! =)
Check the tag. It will tell you or at least give you clues.
Are there any tomatoes plant leaves touching soil?
Take off any leaves near the bottom that are droopy, sad, or touching soil.

Are there any suckers coming out at 45°?
We want the right angles. The suckers coming out at 45° are like ... backup tomatoes plant. In case the damn deer catch you with your fence down again.
Nip, snip, or clip those suckers off with your fingers or cutters.
—>> Then put them in some water to propagate!
Grow roots on those little guys and you officially have back up tomato plants. How's that for FARMER'S INSURANCE? <<—(Not an affiliate link, but some of them are. Read my affiliate disclaimer here!)
(**wipes forehead** so NaturAL, Dais.)
Here's the vid with the same info, if you're into reading really fast on short form video.
Go prune those unruly 45ers from your tomato plant!
Snip, Snip!
Check out —>> our propagation vases collection!
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